# Stream Names

Messages like events and commands are written to and read from streams. To write and read from streams, the subject stream is identified by its name.

A stream name not only identifies the stream, but also its purpose. A stream name is a string that optionally includes an ID that is prefixed by a dash (-) character, and may also include category types that indicate even further specialized uses of the stream. The part of the stream preceding the dash is the category, and the part following the dash is the ID.

# Entity Stream Name

An entity stream name contains all of the events for one specific entity. For example, an Account entity with an ID of 123 would have the name, account-123.

# Category Stream Name

A category stream name does not have an ID. For example, the stream name for the category of all accounts is account.

# Example Stream Names


Account category stream name. The name of the stream that has events for all accounts.


Account entity stream name. The name of the stream that has events only for the particular account with the ID 123.


Account command category stream name, or account command stream name for short. This is a category stream name with a command type. This stream has all commands for all accounts.


Account entity command stream name. This stream has all of the commands specifically for the account with the ID 123.


Account command position category stream name. A consumer that is reading commands from the account:command stream will periodically write the position number of the last command processed to the position stream so that all commands from all time do not have to be re-processed when the consumer is restarted.


Account entity snapshot stream name. Entity snapshots are periodically recorded to disk as a performance optimization that eliminates the need to project an event stream from its first-ever recorded event when entity is not already in the in-memory cache.